Thats rediculous cheapie. We have conversations all the time on the sidelines by private message but we have never taken a sale posted on the page private. Thats complete nonsense. This really pisses me off I will never negotiate with anyone on the page by private message.
( to the group) hey guys just a reminder we look to have this be an educational experience therefore we want members learning to see what things sell for. please no private message deals on anything posted on the page. lets keep it out in the open. thanks
( In the admin room a few weeks later) Arrrgh the members are negotiating toy sales by private message again. How can i see what the deals are if their all being done privately. Somebody has to put a stop to this.
Admins side note - while our hero Castironcheapies defended Auto prima donna over his admins he was always quick to suggest booting other valued members including a former Nasa engineer and one of our top toy repair guys depending on which way his hangover was kicking his head on any given day. Many of his Hungover rants were often directed at our aging nasa engineer over ambigious comments he made. Follen angel would often try to talk him out of booting Nasa. Here's hoping Nasa is recovering quickly and completely from his recent heart issues. Its often interesting to see how heavy drinking and hangovers can affect the decision making of some. If it ain't a hangover Cheapie is suffering from his moody bitchy nature definitely displays like one. Now back to our turmoil.
So here it is a week later and Autoprimadonna is at it again. He just posted a picture of FTmaster at an auction with the quote "see he really can get off his couch". I let that go too but at some point you guys need to figure out what you're going to do when a member here even this know it all prima donna publicly mocks or attacks an admin.
Me too if i see it I definitely have your back. But um you know I've been on some other sites as an admin and we just kinda let it all go. Wild west and all that. seemed like it was okay eventually everyone kind of got fed up and left and then things calmed down.
Thats not what I'm asking , i want to know what we're going to do in the future when a member, any member publicly attacks an admin on this page. The question is do you guys have my back. I guarantee I have yours.
but I need his toys and they're not broken but as Mark the Scott said clearly casting flaws.
Come on cheapie stop crying . The page is quieter without him.
Don't let him get to you cheapie we still have plenty of prima donna's on this page to keep us busy.
Get a grip cheapie , do you really want to cater to this prima donna?
He's not giving me the cold shoulder . I volunteer here I'm thrilled i have one less asshole attacking me on the page.
( a few weeks later) Waah Follen now you've done it . Mark the scott is giving us the cold shoulder . Waah how will we ever survive.
Ok well i deleted his comment and muted him.
Thats rediculous cheapie. We have conversations all the time on the sidelines by private message but we have never taken a sale posted on the page private. Thats complete nonsense. This really pisses me off I will never negotiate with anyone on the page by private message.
Well Um is it really a big deal if he attacks us on the page. Maybe we did something like he says?
there he goes again. another public attack on the admins . what are you guys are going to do?
You admins are hypocrits. Many of you also negotiate deals by PM . you are in no position to dictate what we do.
( to the group) hey guys just a reminder we look to have this be an educational experience therefore we want members learning to see what things sell for. please no private message deals on anything posted on the page. lets keep it out in the open. thanks
sigh i dont understand how we're going to stop it but let me put another reminder out.
( In the admin room a few weeks later) Arrrgh the members are negotiating toy sales by private message again. How can i see what the deals are if their all being done privately. Somebody has to put a stop to this.
Admins side note - while our hero Castironcheapies defended Auto prima donna over his admins he was always quick to suggest booting other valued members including a former Nasa engineer and one of our top toy repair guys depending on which way his hangover was kicking his head on any given day. Many of his Hungover rants were often directed at our aging nasa engineer over ambigious comments he made. Follen angel would often try to talk him out of booting Nasa. Here's hoping Nasa is recovering quickly and completely from his recent heart issues. Its often interesting to see how heavy drinking and hangovers can affect the decision making of some. If it ain't a hangover Cheapie is suffering from his moody bitchy nature definitely displays like one. Now back to our turmoil.
So here it is a week later and Autoprimadonna is at it again. He just posted a picture of FTmaster at an auction with the quote "see he really can get off his couch". I let that go too but at some point you guys need to figure out what you're going to do when a member here even this know it all prima donna publicly mocks or attacks an admin.
Me too if i see it I definitely have your back. But um you know I've been on some other sites as an admin and we just kinda let it all go. Wild west and all that. seemed like it was okay eventually everyone kind of got fed up and left and then things calmed down.
Follen i definitely have you back if i see anything like that done here.
um yea of course i have your back but maybe you did something to provoke him?
Did you really have to delete his post just because it was insulting to an admin?
Thats not what I'm asking , i want to know what we're going to do in the future when a member, any member publicly attacks an admin on this page. The question is do you guys have my back. I guarantee I have yours.